Q. What is a Windows Client?
A. DataFlex Windows Client is the software that runs applications developed with a DataFlex Studio. The Windows Client includes the components that execute the application software, database utilities, the embedded database and, optionally, drivers to connect the application to well known database servers such as Microsoft SQL, IBM DB2, Pervasive.SQL and others. The formal terms and conditions to use of the DataFlex Windows Client are defined in the Software License Agreement.
Q. What is an annual subscription?
A. An annual subscription provides Studio, DataFlex WebApp Server or Windows Client customers with all of the updates, bug fixes and feature enhancements released by Data Access for their particular software product for a period of one year. No additional maintenance or update fees are applicable to DataFlex licenses covered by an annual subscription.
Q. Do purchase prices include an annual subscription?
A. Yes! New Studio, DataFlex WebApp Server and Windows Client Licenses include a one-year subscription at no additional charge. The annual subscription starts on the date that the license is purchased. Customers may choose to renew the subscription annually.
Q. When a Windows Client or DataFlex WebApp Server subscription is about to expire, what are customers options?
A. Customers have two alternatives when the subscription that accompanys their new deployment license is about to expire:
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